
For health - to Altai!

18 April 2024

The combination of unique natural resources with high professionalism of representatives of medicine is what makes the Altai Territory attractive in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of tourists who come to Altai for treatment and recovery.

Altai Territory is located on the border of one of the largest plains in the world - the West Siberian and the vast mountain system of Asia. Due to the greater continentality and fewer cloudy days, the territory of the region receives more sunlight and heat than the regions of the European part of Russia located at the same latitude. The air of the Altai Territory is clean, saturated with pleasant and healthy fumes from a pine pine forest, and ionized.

The Altai Territory is rich in deposits of mineral medicinal and medicinal-table waters. There are about 13,000 lakes of various sizes, flow rates, salinity, many of which contain large reserves of medicinal mud.

In terms of the combination of therapeutic factors, the region belongs to the areas especially favorable for recreation and climatotherapy (according to the data of the Tomsk Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution SibFNKTs FMBA of Russia).

The Altai Territory is rightfully considered not only the leader of the health-improving business beyond the Urals, but also one of the largest resort centers in the Russian Federation. A powerful sanatorium-resort base has been formed here, and health tourism has become a kind of visiting card of the region.

There aremore than 40 health resort organizations(including 7 children's sanatoriums), which can accommodate almost 9 thousand people at a time.

More than 200 thousand holidaymakers are healed in them every year. The leader of the health resort complex of the Altai Territory - a resort city of federal significanceБелокуриха... Recreation in the field of health tourism is very popular.bitter-salty lakes of the steppe Altai.

Altai Territory, as a resort area, is not limited to the offer of classic services of health resort organizations. A unique tourism product in the field of health improvement - pantotherapy - is actively supported and promoted.

Photo by Valery Stepanyuk