
Jealous Mountain

Altai region

Jealous Mountain- this landmark is a monument of federal importance, which is located in the Zmeinogorsk regionAltai Territory... These places fascinate with their beauty, while they are known for the events significant for the history of Russia that took place here.

Right at the footJealousythe famous jasper deposit is located. The taiga forests store such reserves that as early as 1819 a huge block of jasper 11 meters long was found in the taiga. It was she who was the material for"Queen of the vases"- This is the largest vase in the world, made at the Kolyvan plant in 1830 - 1843. The same jasper was used to make the columns that adorn the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior and huge vases of rare beauty. These artifacts have been perfectly preserved to this day, which indicates the excellent quality of the material from which they were made.

Jealous Mountain на карте

Where is
Altai region. The mountain is located 37 km southeast of the city of Zmeinogorsk, not far from the village. Azure.
How to get there
Regular bus, taxi, private car to the village. Lazurka, then about 2 km. on foot.